How To Host a Gatsby Blog on Orbiter
Gatsby is one of the most popular static site frameworks on the market. Let's explore how to host a Gatsby blog on Orbiter.
How To Use Orbiter’s Static Site Template
If you're ready to host a site online the simple way, but don't know where to begin, starting with Orbiter's static site templates is a great idea.
How to Deploy a V2 Frame on Orbiter
In this tutorial we'll take Farcaster V2 Frames down to it's simplest parts and host it on IPFS and Base through Orbiter
Simple Website Version History
Orbiter sites automatically keep track of every change made, creating a rich version history. This allows you to see the past and revert anytime.
How to Self-Host Your Own Linktree (Even If You Can’t Code)
Linktree is a great tool, but it comes with a lot of lock-in and bloat. You can self-host your own version without knowing how to code.
How to Deploy to Orbiter With Git Hooks
Take control and automate your deployments to Orbiter using the Orbiter CLI and Git Hooks for a seemless experience
Static Websites Don’t Mean They Can’t Be Dynamic (What?!)
The term static website can be confusing, but static sites can be as dynamic as you want them to be.
How To Build and Host an 11ty Site
11ty is a fantastic static site generator with tons of community support. Let's see how to build and host an 11ty site.
How To Host an Astro Site
Hosting a static React website is simple. This tutorial shows you all the steps, including setting up the site and uploading to Orbiter.
The Web Was Made For Surfing Not Scrolling
The web was once a fun and open place where people would wander and wonder. Social media has negatively impacted that.
How To Host a React Site
Hosting a static React website is simple. This tutorial shows you all the steps, including setting up the site and uploading to Orbiter.
How We Use Blockchain Technology Behind the Scenes
Learn how Orbiter uses blockchain technology in static website hositng to prevent walled gardens
The Static Website Manifesto
Building websites used to be fun. Let’s bring back the joy of putting your work online. This is our manifesto.
How To Convert Your WordPress Site Into a Static Site
If you have ever wanted to migrate your WordPress site to static HTML, this is your guide.